You’re a creative and think you have Imposter Syndrome. But you don’t, let me tell you why:

The way to overcome Imposter Syndrome is by looking at your thought life. How you think affects your life.

What is Imposter Syndrome?

Imposter Syndrome is defined as thinking you’re unqualified and having low self-esteem.

People who believe that they have imposter syndrome are often high achievers— fix your eye on that. Imposter Syndrome is a matter of how you think so, instead of beliving you have Imposter Synfrome, think about good things, like how far you’ve come. It’s amazing how our thoughts can change things. There’s only going up from here.

Are you a Creative looking for More? Let’s Talk.

In case you’re craving a little more, I’m in this design/creative entrepreneur space with you and know the in’s and outs of running a studio. There’s a lot of information out there about building a brand and a business but not a lot about maintaining it. Wherever you are, I’d love to talk all about business, design and your thought life!